Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How Much Yoga Is Right?

Hi Yogi Marlon,

I've been doing your beginners yoga dvd for about three weeks, I'm not sure if i'm over doing it. I do about an hour, six times a week, this is the only form of excercise i do.
Not sure if it helps but i'm an ex gymnast as well.
Many thanks.

lisa amor
west byfleet, england

HI Lisa,

I think that is a terrific amount of yoga to do! I wish all my yoga DVD viewers were that consistent.

By the way, in my years of observing who maintains in good physical shape well into their years, I have very often found those who have been gymnasts remain incredibly fit well into their old age. Yoga will certainly help insure that.

Best of luck with your practice.
PS I might come to the UK this spring to teach pranayama and bandha practices. If you want to be on the mailing list, please let me know.

Om Shanti,

Yogi Marlon

1 comment:

CatStyle Designs said...

I'm curious about how to do an hour of the Beginner's DVD -- Since the sessions are divided into 25 minute complete sessions, would you be doing more than one session/more than one track on the DVD?

If so are you meditating each time?